Lilies of the Field rescheduled for January
Friday, November 19, 2010
Please be aware that CineVerse will not meet on Wednesday, Nov. 24, due to the Oak View Center building closing early. The film slated for that evening, "Lilies of the Field," will be rescheduled for sometime in January (the January/February 2011 CineVerse schedule will be released in mid December).
Additionally, please note that our Dec. 22 and 29 CineVerse dates will also need to be moved due to early building closings on those dates; we will now meet to screen and discuss "White Christmas" on Tuesday, Dec. 21 from 7-10 p.m., and "Adaptation" has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 28 from 7-10 p.m.
To view an updated Nov/Dec 2010 schedule, click here.
Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we will reconvene on Dec. 1 for "Se7en". Hope to see you then!